Redefining My Expectations and Celebrating Small Success Have Helped Me Stay Focused

Building Multiple Online Revenue Streams

Don Sabado
3 min readApr 25, 2022


Image by ar130405 from Pixabay and set in Canva by Author

What is your expectation about writing, exercising, eating healthy, or any activity you do? Defining what you want out of something will help you continue toward your end goal. I used to run three times a week for 3 miles (or about 5 km) for each run.

Father time has caught up with me. I now run a 5 km run a week and walk the other two times a week. If I do this consistently, I feel successful in my exercise routine.

Success in Writing

I’m still taking baby steps. Writing every day is successful and publishing at least six times a week on Medium is a success. My goal is to earn $100 a month by the end of the year. I need to write every day and publish at least six days a week on Medium. For this season of writing, writing is attainable.

But, I choose to put less time into my other online business — Marketing my Amazon Workbooks and TpT Storefront. The result of which is still surprising. I did next to nothing with my other online business and still making income every month.

I decided in November 2021 that Medium and other writing platforms provide me with a better long-term revenue than my Amazon workbook or…

