One Year After Facebook Banned Me

Don Sabado
2 min readJan 10, 2024
Photo by Mark Rohan on Unsplash

It’s been one year since Facebook (FB) banned me. You can read my pinned article. I wasn’t too worried about keeping in touch with other people because I opened my FB account in 2019 to promote my online business. I used FB groups to promote my online business. I also purchased FB ads to promote my business.

I received a notification that FB suspended my account; the next day, I received a permanent ban. After the ban, my biggest worry was that my online revenue would decrease considerably. My online revenue decreased, but it increased by 733% a year later.

I wasn’t worried about people I followed or who followed me on FB because the only people who knew me were those I contacted by phone. Everyone else was strangers or high-school classmates I hadn’t seen since high school.

I’m making more money than I ever have regarding my online income. Still, I can’t help but wonder what happened to my one-time friend I contacted through FB Messenger. I don’t know what happened to her and would have loved to keep in touch with her.

I did receive a call from a friend and my cousin who saw me on FB after the ban. They said they saw a profile that matched my profile. They also said my account could have been cloned and told me to contact FB to let them know.



Don Sabado

Editor of Write, Edit, and Publish | NewsBreak Contributor | Substack writer: